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4 Biggest Safety Risks Present At Any Automotive Business

4 Biggest Safety Risks Present At Any Automotive Business

Dec 11 2023 at 14:00

Automotive workshops are an industry particularly prone to workplace accidents with heightened risks when it comes to slips, falls, chemical burns, and fume inhalation amidst other hazards. Due to many heavy equipment pieces and tools, it can prove beneficial for you and your staff in terms of well-being to take the time and effort to assess some of the most common hazards present in an automotive workshop. In this article, we share a few safety risks to take note of when ensuring employee safety.


1. Physical injuries from poor load-bearing

Automobiles often require the use of heavy tools and vehicle components. Due to the long hours employees have to spend lifting and carrying heavy loads, physical injuries can occur due to the improper techniques used in bearing these loads. As some injuries, such as overuse and strains, occur over time, they may not be as easily spotted and can build up into full-blown chronic injuries that compromise staff retention.

As much as possible, consider educating your employees on proper lifting techniques and forms in order to reduce the chances of physical injuries that may damage employee welfare and business operations.


2. Injuries sustained from improper tool usage

Due to the diverse backgrounds of any employee in any industry, the possibility of improper tool usage is one accident risk that can cause injury in the workplace. Tools such as welding arcs and automatic saws are highly dangerous and require proper training and personal protective equipment (PPE) to use.

Some employees may ignore safety precautions in favour of time or from lack of proper training, and the relevant rectifications must be made in order to ensure tools are used with the proper care and attention.


3. Slips, trips, and falls

Automotive workshops often make heavy use of lubricants, fuels, and cabling. These can pose safety hazards, such as fall risks. Given the often crowded and cramped environment of many workshops, a fall can lead to many serious injuries.

Education on proper workspace management can alleviate such risks from causing accidents. It is important to ensure that fall hazards are minimised by keeping the working floor as uncluttered as possible, as well as dealing with any spills and leakages promptly.


4. Harmful fumes and substances

Workshops often carry and work with many chemicals that may harm or emit harmful gases if inhaled long term, causing internal injuries that can culminate in compromises to employee well-being. Various gases, such as carbon monoxide, have been proven to seriously harm the human body when inhaled for extended periods. Along with the many vehicle paints and coatings that can often introduce particulate matter into the respiratory system, harmful fumes and substances are a less detectable safety hazard that can affect your employees’ welfare.

Introduce the right PPE and enforce their donning during work hours. Doing so also instils a safety culture that can pay off in the long term in the form of a reduced turnover rate and improved employee morale and productivity.



Wong Fong Academy (WFA) recognises the importance of workplace safety regardless of industry and offers relevant courses such as safe lifting operations and OFA training in Singapore. We take into account the increased risks of safety lapses in this fast-paced world and engage with the relative governing bodies in order to bring clients the very best in skills and training.

With an eye for innovation and well-being, WFA provides no lack of quality training courses for professionals looking to upskill and stay relevant. Contact us today for more information on the courses we offer!