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Handy Tips To Keep Your Warehouse Organised Effortlessly

Handy Tips To Keep Your Warehouse Organised Effortlessly

Nov 29 2019 at 13:07

The warehouse plays a critical role in ensuring that your customers are able to receive their orders in a timely manner. Without a well-organised warehouse, you not only risk delayed delivery to your customers, you expose your workers to various workplace injuries due to confusion when performing daily tasks. However, keeping your warehouse well-organised at all times is easier said than done. There are so many considerations in a warehouse, such as:

  • warehouse design
  • layout
  • utilising available space
  • labeling
  • shelving
  • use of the best warehouse management software systems
  • use of the latest material handling tools and equipment
  • designated receiving and picking areas
  • proper training for employees to ensure that your warehouse and equipment supports your organization's ultimate goals.  

If you want to achieve maximum warehouse efficiency, here are some handy tips that can help you keep things running smoothly in your warehouse:

  • Keep it Cleaned

Warehouses can get littered with dirt, debris, and discarded packing material such as paper, pallets, and plastic wraps pretty quickly when workers are entering and leaving the facility multiple times in a day. A dirty and disorganised warehouse will not only become a hotbed for work-related accidents and injuries, it will also lead to more inefficiency in your warehouse operations and lower the morale of your employees when they see the mess surrounding them. Keeping your warehouse clean and tidy at all times, therefore, should be your top priority if you want an efficient and highly productive warehouse. The best way to keep your warehouse ticking is to first identify the most cluttered zones and assign regular and prioritised cleaning tasks to staff.

  • Keep Running Items Near The Shipping Area

Another way of keeping your warehouse well-organised and free from clutter is to keep your popular products at convenient positions. This will save a lot of time as it will be easy to repeatedly find and pick out popular items. This will not only help you save a lot of time by minimising the travel time inside the warehouse, it will also be less taxing for your employees and keep the warehouse well organised in the long run.

  • Use Ergonomic Warehouse Equipment

The more help you provide your employees, the more productive they will be. One way of keeping your employees motivated and productive is to provide them the tools and equipment that can help them perform their operations simply and safely. Warehouses owners must take advantage of the wide range of forklifts available on the market. From loading and unloading merchandise off the trucks to putting them on the shelves, there seems to be a forklift for every function. Using forklifts will not only increase the productivity of your employees, it will also minimise the chances of mistakes and mishandling. Your capital investments will see many benefits in the future. To reap maximum benefits from forklifts and other warehouse tools, you need to make sure your employees receive proper forklift training. This will allow them to use the equipment to their fullest extent.