Ultimate Guide To Passing Forklift Operator Tests
Before you go for a forklift operator training course in Singapore you need to be aware of what the training offers. Apart from excellent forklift driving skills, a good course will equip you with the following skills: operational checks, workplace hazards, racking pallets, roll cages, handling symbols, refuelling, and general safe practices. You will also go through some theory on forklift assessments and some practical classes. After you have done your training, you’ll go through an assessment before you can get your forklift license in Singapore. Below are salient features of the forklift operator assessment, that’ll guide you on the test. Pre-operational Checks A forklift is a dangerous piece of machinery if left in the hands of an untrained person. Before you jump on the operator seat and start the engine, you need to familiarize yourself with the components of the specific machine. That means reading the user manual, checking the controls, and checking if the machine is faulty. When performing preoperational checks, scrutinize for any oil or fuel leaks, identify and report any faults, or damaged parts. Also ensure the machine is parked in a safe area, clear from any obstructions or pedestrians. The final pre-operational check is on the job to be done and the worksite, to tell if the equipment is the appropriate machinery to handle the job successfully. Completing Different Manoeuvres All forklift operator training courses are required to provide sufficient sessions where you interact with the machine in a practical class. During this time, you learn how to perform different manoeuvres and the teacher assigns you to a supervisor who ascertains your ability by completing and signing off on a log book. As part of the forklift operator licensing test, you are required to demonstrate different manoeuvres such as loading and unloading, moving various loads, picking up and correctly placing loads on low, medium and high-level racking, shifting and stacking loads, proper parking and shut down of the truck. Recognizing Hazards and Preventing Accidents As you perform the pre-operational checks and complete the different manoeuvres, assessors are keen on checking if you will notice any hazards, observe safety requirements and take measures to prevent accidents. Some of the areas to look out for are whether you inspected the location for obstruction or pedestrians before mounting, seatbelt usage, slowing down and use of horn at blind turns and intersections, travelled with empty forks at the proper height and followed the proper parking procedure. Theory and General Knowledge about the Forklift Finally, you will be asked a couple of questions touching on general forklift knowledge either during or after the practice session. Some of the questions will require you to explain the reasons you made some decisions or took specific actions. But you don’t have to worry about these questions since you already went through the same during your theory class and reinforced it during the practical. These checks are necessary and speak volumes about your competence as a safe and reliable forklift operator. Now that you know of these tips, you’re ready to take your forklift operator test and ace it!