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4 Top Risks And Hazards Found At Construction Sites

4 Top Risks And Hazards Found At Construction Sites

Jun 08 2020 at 17:00

There is a reason why the construction industry is one of the riskiest sectors for all involved. It is the place where the most injuries and fatalities occur every year. However, the most important part of understanding these risks and hazards is that measures and safety plans can be put in place to control these problems.

One such example of why a construction site is deemed risky is due to the presence of heavy machinery and tools. If it is a chemical plant, there is an added risk of hazardous materials. When you implement and prioritize construction safety, you can cut down on such risks and hazards by a great margin.

Before doing so, it is best to understand some of the risks and hazards posed at construction sites. Here are 4 top risks and hazards you should know.

1. Working at tall heights

This is one of the primary risks in a construction site. Most of the fatalities in this sector emanate from falls due to working at tall heights. This is why proper training is mandatory for all of the employees working at tall heights. They should go through one-on-one training about the usage of equipment such as ladders and scaffolding, as well as proper handling of their PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment).

Meanwhile, if your employee will be operating a boom lift in the future to reach difficult locations with heights, then it’s key to be fully equipped with the knowledge on how to use such equipment; especially when it comes their safety and. Hence, put aside some time for your staff to take up boom lift training so they’ll know about the dangers of using these lifting equipment and avoid them.

2. Moving objects

Moving objects also pose a significant risk to workers at tall heights. When the construction is underway, moving objects tend to increase. Some of these moving objects among many others; include supply vehicles, forklifts, overhead lifting equipment and diggers.

All of these moving objects pose risks on the workers as they can lead to injuries and even fatalities. This is especially the case when objects move under uneven terrain. A good practice to counter this risk would be to balance and level the area where they pass and ensure that they operate far from workers. Another way to do this is to ensure that all the workers wear high-visibility jackets so that they can be seen by the people managing the machines, even from a long distance.

3. Falls, trips and slips

These risks can take place in almost any surrounding. However, due to the nature of the job description, a construction site is much more likely to expose one to trips, falls and slips. Falls usually occur when somebody is working from tall heights. Trips and slips occur due to obstruction from objects and oily, slippery or greasy surfaces.

Some of the obstructing objects may include wires and concrete equipment used at work. A good measure would be to place tools at the right places and ensure that all floors are cleaned and dried. If the floor is still drying up, then a wet floor sign should be placed. Analysing the possibility for proper placement on these cordless tools could prove to be beneficial as well.

Similarly, any of the above-mentioned incidents may also occur when you’re using equipment to access restricted job sites. This becomes a danger zone for staff due to the limited movement. As such, it may be necessary to take up relevant courses like scissors lift training and such to be fully prepared and ready to handle this type of equipment.

4. Noise

Noise is a common hazard in a construction site as there are a lot of physical operations involving tools and machinery. Excessive and repetitive noise can lead to hearing problems in workers, including deafness. Noise can also act as a distraction from work, leading to an accident on site.

The solution to noise is to use the right PPE for noise cancellation and to ensure that every employee or worker has one worn at all times when they enter into the construction site.